Taking Root: The Beginning of Paramount Greens

It started in the summer of 2013. At first, Paramount Greens was primarily a lawn care and property maintenance company. Since then, we decided to follow our creativity and passion for building functional spaces and serving people, and we broke through to the hardscaping sector of the industry. 

I originally left a background in sales as I pursued my dream of becoming my own boss and running the operation, but I realized after the fact how large an undertaking this would be. It’s been said that education is expensive no matter how you get it, and while I didn’t pursue formal schooling in business or a specific field, my education was more practical and through experience. 

From a young age, I learned through hands-on training. I lived on what I call a “hobby” farm which was just a small farm with a little bit of everything but was never used as a means to generate profit. Shout out to my dad for all the lessons and exposure. My dad is the reason I am who I am. He’s an incredibly hard worker who knows the value of determination. Through hands-on training, my dad equipped my brothers and I to become hard workers and problem solvers. We had a couple of cows, donkeys, a horse, plenty of chickens, dogs, cats, pigs, and everything in between. We had a garden off and on, a portable sawmill, a tractor, and lots of red clay and woods. Growing up in this environment helped shape me. 

As a teenager, I worked for various landscapers and remodeling contractors and then moved into selling motorcycles in my early twenties. As I mentioned before, I left this to pursue Paramount Greens which has taught me so much more than I can express. I took all of my knowledge from my upbringing with me, but there’s always more to learn along the way. I certainly didn’t start out to build the things I am currently working on, and I honestly feel that in five years I’ll be surprised all over again. 

This business is about serving, creating, learning, and becoming better at what I do alongside my team. Welcome to the adventure, and I hope you enjoy all that Paramount Greens has to offer.

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