Concrete vs. Pavers: Which is Best for Your Outdoor Space?

Edited 9/11/2024

So, you’re ready to give your outdoor space a makeover? Maybe it’s your patio that needs some love, or your driveway is begging for an upgrade. Whatever it is, choosing the right materials is a big decision! Concrete vs. pavers is one of the most popular debates out there, and both options have their fair share of pros and cons.

We know—it’s not an easy call. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Let’s break it down and help you figure out which material is the perfect fit for your next project.

The ultimate question is: which should you choose? We’ve put together this helpful list of pros and cons to let you figure out for yourself which will work best for your next project.

Cost: The Dollars and Sense of It All

First things first: the price tag. And let’s be real—cost is usually the first thing on everyone’s mind.

Concrete is typically the more budget-friendly option upfront. According to BuildDirect, concrete will cost you around $7-$10 per square foot, while pavers tend to run between $9-$14 per square foot. And that’s before you factor in labor!

But here’s where it gets interesting: while concrete might be cheaper upfront, pavers can save you money in the long run. Why? It’s all about repairs. Concrete is prone to cracking over time, and fixing those cracks can be expensive. Pavers, on the other hand, are super easy to replace. If one gets damaged, you just swap it out—no big deal.

And when it comes to eco-friendliness? Pavers tend to have a leg up. Many pavers are made from natural, sustainable materials or recycled content, while concrete production can have a bigger carbon footprint. Some manufacturers even offer permeable pavers, which help with stormwater management by allowing water to soak through the surface, reducing runoff and erosion. That’s a win for both your yard and the environment!

Maintenance: Keeping It Fresh

Speaking of maintenance, let’s talk about what you’re in for. Because let’s face it—nobody wants to spend their weekends scrubbing concrete or weeding between pavers.

Concrete is generally low-maintenance, but it’s not invincible. With no natural seams or weak spots a slab can crack and fixing those issues might mean replacing an entire piece. Stamped concrete can be cleaned easily enough with a little dish soap and elbow grease, but larger repairs? Not so fun.

Pavers, while more durable, do require a bit more attention. Cleaning between the stones can be a little time-consuming, and yes, you might have to battle some weeds that like to pop up between the cracks. But the good news? No huge slabs to replace—just swap out the damaged paver, and you’re good to go.

Installation: Leave It to the Pros

We know DIY projects are tempting, but when it comes to installing concrete or pavers, it’s best to call in the experts. Trust us—this is not a "weekend warrior" situation.

For concrete, the installation process is pretty straightforward: excavation, grading, prepping the foundation, setting forms, pouring, and leveling. Once it’s down, you’ll need to let it cure for a at least a week before its safe to drive on but after a few days you can start enjoying your new space.

Pavers, on the other hand, require a little more finesse. There are more steps involved—like compacting the base, laying geotextile fabric, cutting borders to fit your design, compacting again, and sealing, plus more. But the upside? No drying time. You can start using your new paver patio or walkway right away!

Appearance: Looks Matter!

Let’s be honest—everyone wants their outdoor space to look good. But how do concrete and pavers measure up when we add the eco-factor?

Pavers come in a variety of shapes, colors, and designs, making them super versatile and visually appealing. You can also find pavers made from natural or recycled materials, which can significantly reduce your project’s environmental impact.

Concrete might not offer the same level of customization, but it’s not without its own charm, especially for the modern minimalist. Stained, stamped or decorative concrete can give your space a polished, custom look. And if you choose to use a lighter color, you can help reflect heat, keeping your outdoor area cooler—another eco-friendly bonus!

One issue with concrete is that colored concrete tends to fade over time, and reapplication of sealants can introduce chemicals into the environment. Pavers retain their color better, making them a more sustainable choice for those who want long-lasting beauty without needing to re-stain or seal regularly.


According to Techno - Blog, Durability is where both pavers and concrete really stand out. 

Concrete is strong, but it’s not invincible—especially in areas with extreme weather or heavy loads. It’s prone to cracking, and while it can last for years, those cracks are a pain to repair.

Pavers, on the other hand, are incredibly durable and resistant to cracking. They can handle heavy loads and extreme weather with ease. The only downside? They might chip or crack on the edges if they take a hard hit. But again, you can just replace the damaged paver without messing with the whole thing.


Summary: Which Should You Choose?

Hopefully, this gives you a solid overview of the pros and cons of concrete vs. pavers—not just for your wallet, but for the environment, too!

Concrete can be the budget-friendly option if you’re looking for a quick fix or covering a large area, but if you’re thinking long-term and eco-conscious, pavers are the way to go. They offer more flexibility, durability, and sustainable options, especially with the growing variety of eco-friendly paver materials on the market.

Whether you’re looking to minimize your environmental impact or simply want a gorgeous outdoor space, we can help guide you through the decision. Get in touch with us today, and let’s plan your next (eco-friendly) project!

Still not sure? We’re here to help! Whether you’re leaning toward concrete or pavers, we’d love to chat and help you make the best decision for your home. Get in touch with us today to learn more!